Intravenous Therapies – Miracle Help for All

My Notes from The Functional Health Summit

An Interview with Paige Adams NP Family Nurse Practitioner

Addressing Today’s Nutritional Challenges with Intravenous Therapies and Detoxification Strategies

My practice is multifaceted, it all comes down to searching for the underlying causes and treating them from the ground up. Maybe that’s why I tend to specialize in difficult to treat cases many times I’m told I am the fifth or fifteenth provider someone has seen. I see cases of Autism, autoimmune, neurodegenerative disorders, hormone imbalances for both men and women, thyroid, adrenal dysfunction, correcting nutritional imbalances, enhancing sports and athletic performance and putting together comprehensive detox plans for patients. Because I have so many passions it seemed appropriate for me to discuss the methods I incorporate to be used to treat many different symptoms across the board in multiple coexisting disease states at the same time and very effectively and efficiently. Continue reading

Benefits of a Natural Cleansing

My Notes from The Healthy Gut Summit

Datis Kharrazian DC, DHS, MS

Many more people today don’t want pharmachology anymore with all the side effects, more and more people want more natural options. Natural options have lot’s of support in the literature and they can be very effective to support many chronic conditions. Unfortunately we still have a system where we don’t have people learning this in medical school and we really have a need for this. At Loma Linda College where I teach students are shocked to see all the research related to natural medicine where they didn’t even know it existed. More colleges are starting to add elective courses in functional medicine. Continue reading

Autism the Gut Brain Connection

My Notes from The Healthy Gut Summit

Dr. Martha Herbert PhD – Pediatric Neurologist

Autism is an extreme case of what is effecting an enormous amount of people.

They have always thought that Autism was a behavioral or psychological problem but now with the enormous revolution of information about the gut we realize that what’s going on in the gut can have enormous effects on the way the brain functions. We are talking about brain function, we now know the brain is very changeable not hard wired.

Sleep is a very important part when the brain has a chance to repair itself. We have recently learned that the brain takes the trash out at night, there are fluid flows that drain it out but not enough sleep interrupts this. The brain needs a lot of nutrients to do it’s job, it needs them to contribute to energy metabolism not just fuel. If you don’t have them in your diet or your gut is too inflamed to absorb them you are going to have shortages in the brain that are going to get in the way of your brain having the chemicals and other energy generating processes that it needs to do it’s job. This looks like you have a psychological or learning problem but the source of the problem is underneath the shortages that can be gut and diet generated. Continue reading

The Healing power of Cannabidiol CBD

Notes from the Healthy Gut Summit

Dr. John Hicks – Pediatrician

I started because I work with a lot of Autistic children and there was an explosion of seizures, medications have so many significant side effects I went looking for a better way. Cannabidiol is from the marijuana plant, the CBD does not contain THC so there are no psychotropic effects. Back in the 1960’s researchers in Israel started to identify that we had receptors for it, CBD1 is the one that reacts to the THC and is throughout the body but heaviest in the brain. Then there are CBD2 receptors where cannabidiol was believed to only be in the immune system, we have now found they are also in the brain. It’s the system that keeps us in balance, well and healthy reacting to changes in the environment either internal or external. Continue reading

Restoring G.I. Function

Notes from The Healthy Gut Summit

Liz Lipski PhD

Approximately one third of the people have a digestive issue, the digestive system is not supposed to give us discomfort when it does it’s giving us the message that something is wrong and we need to pay attention to that message. If someone has a lot of stomach pain, acid reflux or heartburn one of the first simple things you can do is slow down and chew your food well, relax when you eat. This puts us in the cephalic stage when we relax to help us digest the food better, we eat on the run too much. Continue reading

Reversing Multiple Sclerosis

Notes from the Pain Relief Project
This is not a transcript but my cliff notes I took listening to these summits. The speakers are doctors, nutritionists and specialists in their field of health that practice functional medicine. The diets discussed have been proven to help with chronic diseases. For more information see links below.

Dr. Terry Wahls

Was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and did normal western medicine protocol and declined into secondary progressive M.S. and a reclining wheelchair. Decided that conventional medicine was not going to help, researched and tried a vegetarian diet and then a paleo diet. Continue reading